China Lion would like to thank East West Bank for being the exclusive sponsor of Lost And Love, opening 3/20 in theatres across the US & Canada. Please support our sponsors who allow us to bring major stars like Andy Lau to the big screen throughout the US & Canada!
Lost And Love
In The News

Sanyuan Peng
Main Characters:
Andy Lau, Boran Jing
Chinese (with English subtitles)
Release Date:
March 20

China Lion Film Distribution has acquired Andy Lau’s “Lost and Love” from IM Global and set a March 20 release for North America — day and date with the release in mainland China. “Lost and Love” will open in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Lansing, Mich.; Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

China Lion has bought the rights for Lost and Love, written and directed by popular novelist Peng Sanyuan and starring Hong Kong actor Andy Lau, from IM Global for Australia, New Zealand and North America, and will release the film later this month.

Lost And Love Theater Information
Boston, MA
Calgary, AB
Chicago, IL
Edmonton, AB
Cineplex Cinema City Movies 12
Gaithersburg, MD
Lansing, MI
Los Angeles, CA
Montreal, QC

New York, NY
San Diego, CA
San Francisco/Bay Area, CA
Seattle, WA
Toronto, ON
Tustin/Irvine/OC, CA
Vancouver, BC
Cineplex International Village

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