Q & A
Who can enjoy “China Lion Life Styel”special offers?
Anyone who watchs our movie and keeps the ticke
How can we enjoy “China Lion Life Styel”special offers?
Showing the ticket you keep when you are shopping in our cooperative partner shores, you will get the special offer Automatically.
Does any ticket can enjoy the coupon?
No,only the movie we released can enjoy the special offer。If you want to know what movie we are releasing right now,Please @北美华狮电影 in weibo,Search www.facebook.com/chinalionfilm in facebook,or @chinalionna in weixin
Does any China Lion Film movie ticket can enjoy the specail offer?
No. ”China Lion Life Style“ started from Dec 20, 2013. Ecah Specail offer comes with new movie. The available days usually starts from the first day of the movie releasing and it will keep 30 days. Therefore, before or after this period, you cannot enjoy the special offer with your ticket.
Does one ticket can only use only use one time?
Could multiple people enjoy multiple special offers at the same time?
No. Each time you can only enjoy one coupon by using one ticket. For example, Both of Jim and Lili have tickets. When they have dinner in our cooperative partner's store, they can only use one ticket for specail offer. But they can keep another ticket and use it next time.
Which City is available for using ticket to get special offer?
Only the city China Lion Film movie released. If you want to know city information,Please @北美华狮电影 in weibo Search www.facebook.com/chinalionfilm in facebook,or @chinalionna in weixin
What's the available time for Special offers
The special offer will keep 30 days after the day we release the new movie. People can enjoy the specail offer in the store of our cooperative partners. For example, in Dec 20, 2013, we released Personal Tailor. People can enjoy the special from Dec 20, 2013 to Jan 19, 2014 with the ticket. The Special offer may change, Please double check in location store.
Who are our cooperation partner?
Please click "Special offer" on our website. You will see the details.